ADHD can make it challenging to study and meet the expectations of standard school programs. Without the right support, you can get overwhelmed with your workload and fall behind.
Your ADHD doesn’t have to put your education on hold. These are some tips that can help you tackle your studies head-on.
1. Ask for Accommodations
ADHD is not something to take lightly. You wouldn’t expect other students with disabilities to ignore their conditions and go without accommodations. Students with hearing impairments may need ASL interpretation and visual learning tools, while students with visual impairments may need braille reading materials and auditory learning tools. These accommodations are essential for attaining a comprehensive learning experience.
So, talk to your teachers, guidance counselors and other members of your school administration about accommodations for your ADHD. You may need to prove your ADHD diagnosis to receive them.
What accommodations could help with ADHD? These are some examples:
- Longer test times
- Extensions for assignments
- Private rooms for tests/exams
2. Try Online School
If you find that in-person accommodations aren’t enough, then you should consider attending an accredited online school. With an accredited online school, you can sign up for courses like MHF4U and get the credits that you need to graduate.
One of the biggest benefits of signing up for an online school is that it has a flexible schedule. You will have between 4 weeks to 12 months to complete a course. If you’re often overwhelmed by class schedules and deadlines, this option can give you some necessary stress relief. You’ll have time to complete your coursework.
Online schools will also have IEP accommodations that can make your learning experience that much better. These are some examples of IEP accommodations you’ll get through this schooling:
- Narrated online lessons with a variety of learning tools like pictures, videos and simulations
- Pre-recorded lessons that can be paused, played and replayed.
- Longer test/exam times
If online courses work well for you in secondary school, follow the same strategy for your post-secondary studies. Sign up for university/college courses that are available online.
3. Use Study Tools
You may have heard of having a mental health toolbox. These are coping mechanisms and items that can help you manage the symptoms of your mental illness so that you can function better in your day-to-day life. Your ADHD toolbox might include things like prescription medication, planners, calendars, alarms and fidget toys.
These are some study tools that you can add to your ADHD toolbox:
- Time Management Apps. Choose time management apps that use the Pomodoro technique. The Pomodoro technique uses a timer to guide you through “study time” and “break time.”
- Voice Recording Apps. If you have an easier time taking in information aurally instead of by reading, then record your classes. You can also record yourself reading your notes out loud. Then, you can listen to those recordings on repeat.
- White Noise Apps. White noise can help you drown out any distracting noises that are preventing you from studying. They are useful when you’re working in crowded spaces like coffee shops, classrooms and libraries.
- Website Blocking apps. If you get distracted by social media, news sites and streaming services when you should be studying, you should download website blocking apps. These will temporarily block your access to these websites so that you’ll concentrate on your work.
ADHD doesn’t have to put your education plans on pause. You can still tackle your studies and even excel at them.
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