Studying Online


Do you plan on enrolling for an online degree and studying at home? If so then you are likely aware that now many employers consider online degrees just as valuable as in college degrees.

Pursuing an online degree and studying from home is also a great way to combine your day job with furthering your career.

However, studying at home is not as simple as it sounds. Yes, you will have the choice of where and when to study but without discipline, you can end up wasting a lot of your valuable time with other activities.

This is why it is important to have a plan.

Let’s take a look at a few simple tips on how to study at home effectively and achieve your online degree.

1. Create a Schedule and Take Notes

The first step towards your success as a student is to create a schedule on when you will be studying. This time should be free from distractions. Also, you should choose a location that is conducive to learning without noise or distractions.

When viewing your lectures online, approach the process as though you were in class. This means engaging with the lessons by taking notes and asking questions. This allows you to be more attentive which means that you will learn more from your lectures.

It is also a good idea to study the course work before attending the lectures. You will find it easier to understand concepts this way.

2. Plan Your Study Schedule

Studying online at home will require you to pick an ideal place and time. Another important aspect to incorporate in your schedule is how to study. Taking regular breaks is a good way to avoid burning out and ensures that the day’s tasks are completed.

Sometimes you may prefer to spend the entire day studying. A good way to keep your mind fresh is to take breaks every hour or so. During this time you can do the things that you enjoy such as watching fun videos on YouTube.

Make sure you adhere to your schedule. Furthermore, get rid of all distractions to keep your mind focused on the task at hand. This may mean turning off phone notifications on your phone.

study schedule

3. Have the Required Study Materials

You will not be able to study at home if you don’t have the essentials. Other than having the right stationery and the right books, you will also need a good computer and reliable internet connectivity.

In this modern era, many people will already have access to these at home. However, if you do not, you can opt to join a study group where you can share the facilities. Alternatively, you can talk to the student service office at your college. They may be able to offer free computers that you can use.

Lastly, always check the student portal on a daily basis. In case there are new developments, course updates, or updated study materials, you can have quick access to these.

4. Find a Comfortable Place to Study

Whether you are studying at the university or at home, one thing remains constant: you need a comfortable place to sit.

This means a place you can place all your study materials and your laptop. It should also have good lighting. Furthermore, it needs to be a place where you can sit upright with a straight back.

While some people may have a desk, others will not. Any place that has the aforementioned features, however, will work just fine.

5. Set up Study Groups

The internet has made communication a lot easier and a lot more convenient. Not only can you get your lectures online, but you can also communicate with the rest of your classmates through online tools like zoom or skype.

This allows you to set up group study times where you can exchange ideas and analyze concepts together.

Note that when setting up a group study, ensure that you know what you are discussing beforehand. This prevents you from getting distracted by other less important stuff.

What’s more, being able to communicate with other students helps you feel less isolated which makes studying for your course a lot more interesting.

study online conference calls

6. Stay in Touch with Lecturers

When studying at home, it is highly beneficial to remain in contact with your lecturers. You can do this by sending them an email once a week. In case there are any developments in the course work, your lecturer will be able to inform you.

Secondly staying in touch allows you to receive guidance when you have hit a glitch in your studies. You are also able to express your frustration or concerns and your lecturer can offer help and guidance.

Take note however that your lecturer may have plenty of emails to respond to. Do not expect an immediate response. Instead, give them enough time to respond to your emails.

Furthermore, also stay in contact with seminar leaders to ensure you are also up to date with other learning materials.

7. Observe A Few Self-Care Techniques

During your home study, it is also important that you take time to self-care. This means focusing on activities that ensure mental and physical health. There are several ways that you can do this.

The first and most important is to ensure that you get sufficient sleep. It is recommended to get up to 8 hours of sleep.

Secondly, you can add time to your busy schedule to exercise. This will help relieve stress and ensure your mind is rejuvenated.

Thirdly, observe a balanced diet. Eat healthy foods and avoid junk foods and other processed foods. The latter doesn’t provide proper nourishment to the brain. What’s more, it contributes to other lifestyle diseases. Good food nourishes the brain and provides you with enough energy to work through your studies.

Having a healthy brain means being able to study more effectively and ultimately performing well on your exams.