Student Success


Let’s face it, studying can be stressful especially when dealing with complex concepts and topics. What’s even more frustrating as a college student is putting in the time to study only to come out of it with less than ideal grades.
It can be mind-boggling why some students achieve top grades. However, the truth is that students who perform well are simply good at staying disciplined.

Here you will learn a few tips and tricks that will help you perform much better in your studies. Let’s dive straight in.

1. Get Enough Sleep

After a long and busy day, your mind needs to relax and recuperate. The best way to help your brain relax is to get sufficient amounts of sleep which needs to be at least 8 hours.

During the next day, you will notice that you are motivated to study and you find it easier to recall what you have learned.

2. Create a Schedule

This might seem obvious but how many times have you committed to your study schedule? Chances are you only likely to do so when you are motivated.
Successful students will not wait for the day that they feel motivated to study. They simply stay disciplined and wake up every day and do what needs to be done whether they feel like it or not.

Trust me, you will be grateful you remained disciplined when you get the results of your test.

3. Write Down Everything

As a college student, you will quickly find that there are plenty of things that you need to do. It can be impossible to remember all the deadlines, activities, and places that you need to go to by the end of the day.

This is why it is important to write down everything. Arrange your daily activities by priority and tackle each one at a time, at the right time.

4. Eliminate Distractions

One of your biggest enemies as a student is distractions. It is important to appreciate the fact that no one is immune to distractions and you can never rely on will power to avoid them.

Therefore during your study time, make sure that you are in an environment that is conducive to studying. This means turning off phone notifications. It is also a good idea to put a long password in your phone to discourage you from always having to check your phone.

5. Your Posture Matters

Many students take for granted the importance of maintaining good posture. Poor posture can cause you to feel tired and can even disfigure your spine.
The right posture, on the other hand, allows you to remain alert, does not cause discomfort and in turn, allows you to study better.

But how do you maintain the right sitting posture?

Your back should be straight, your shoulders back and your chin up.

6. Take Regular Breaks

Many students will struggle to remain focused after around 45 minutes of studying. This is why it is important to take regular breaks throughout your study period.

Instead of studying for several hours straight and burning out, consider taking 30 minutes of studying followed by a 10-minute break. This allows your mind to relax every so often enabling you to study for longer.

7. Paying Attention in Class

A lot of students do not bother with taking notes during lectures. Simply listening to the lecturer can cause you to get bored and your mind to wander off.

By taking notes, you will stay focused on the lectures and you will leave with more compared to a student who didn’t take notes.

Students will often shy away from asking questions in fear of looking silly. However, when you go to class with the plan to ask questions, you will be more inclined to pay attention to gather questions that you need to ask.

This allows you to remain engaged and to learn more.

8. Do Reviews Every Evening

Granted, when studying during your planned time, you will likely understand new concepts. The downside, however, is that the information may quickly dissipate in your mind over time.

To be able to recall what you learned for the long term, take time every evening to review what you learned during the day. This trick helps to move information to long term memory and preps you for that time you will need to sit down for your exams.

9. Becoming More Effective

Many people like the idea of doing multiple tasks at the same time. After all, you get to accomplish your goals much quicker. However, when it comes to studying, this will only cause distraction which can ultimately lead to poor performance in exams.

Furthermore, there is no such thing as multi-tasking. What many people consider multitasking is quickly switching between different tasks.

Moreover, one of the main reasons why many students tend to procrastinate is that the task at hand seems too large to handle. However, by breaking it down into smaller study sessions and units, you will find it much easier to tackle.
For instance, try reading a chapter at a time and then following up on evening revision and suddenly that huge and complicated task now seems manageable.

10. Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Coupled with some amazing health benefits, exercise is also beneficial to the mind. It allows you to stay focused for longer and improves your cognitive abilities by allowing you to recall things that you studied much better.

Take time to exercise every second day for 30 minutes and you will begin to experience a boost in mood and motivation to study.

Furthermore, it is a well-known fact that diet significantly affects brain function. The healthier your diet the better you will be in your studies and ultimately the better you will perform in your exams.

Food that you should eat include meats, eggs, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. On the other hand, foods to avoid include processed foods, sugars, and sugary drinks.

Also, remember to stay hydrated.