How You Can Improve Your Study Sessions


Whenever exam season comes around, millions of students go into panic mode. For some, the preferred course of action is to get their heads down and read as much as possible for weeks on end. For others, a more laid-back approach is required if they want to process all the information they need to take in.

You may not yet know the best way for you to study, which is why we’ve put together some suggestions that should help you find what works for you.

Ditch Your Phone

It’s so easy to distract yourself while studying nowadays. What starts as a five-minute social media break quickly turns into an hour of scrolling through your newsfeed and getting nothing done. That’s not what you want.

A great way to improve your study sessions is to give your phone to someone you trust for an allotted time. Research suggests that just having your phone around can distract you, so if you get rid of it for a little while, you instantly improve your chances of getting work done.

Find The Right Technique

If it were possible for everyone to take in information just from reading a book, we’d probably all be insanely intelligent. Unfortunately, most people’s memories don’t work that way. While some can easily absorb almost everything they read, others need word associations or images to remember stuff.

When it comes to studying, it’s vital that you experiment and find what techniques work best for you. If you’re struggling with ideas, you should be able to improve your memory with the tips here. This resource offers several dozen different techniques to help you retain information, at least one of which should make studying much easier. When you find which one that is, your sessions will become more effective and hopefully more enjoyable too.

Pick The Right Spot

Do you need complete silence, or does a lack of noise actually make it harder for you to concentrate? Are you more focused when you’re alone, or is it better to have other people around? Should those people also be studying, or do you struggle to retain information when working with others?

These are the kind of questions you need to ask yourself to work out where is best for you to study. Depending on the answers, you may be most comfortable in the library, in your living room, or maybe even in bed. It doesn’t matter where you go, so long as the surroundings are optimised for your needs.

Take A Break

This may sound like a counter-intuitive suggestion, especially as it gives you a reason to stop studying. However, without enough breaks, your brain will never be able to process all the information you’re feeding it.

While you shouldn’t be lounging around for several hours after only 30 minutes of studying, you should factor in short pauses every 50-90 minutes. Plenty of studies have investigated the science of taking breaks, with many suggesting that exercise, meditation, and possibly even napping are good ways to ensure your study sessions remain productive. Just be sure to avoid anything that can leave you feeling drained and lethargic.

No matter what techniques you apply, studying will always require some degree of motivation if it’s going to be effective. However, if you can summon up enough of that while also following these suggestions, you should start learning everything you need to in no time at all.


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