How To Use A Planner For College: 10 Tips To Get You Super Organized

how to use a planner for college

One thing that you need to take note of when you join college is that you are solely responsible for yourself.  As such, you always need to be keen on how you spend your time and take care of your belongings, among other things.

Time is an essential factor, and you need to have it accounted for each time for a smooth session while on campus. There are several moves to pull, all focusing on how to use a planner for college, with the main focus being on organization.

How to Use a Planner for College

hanging clothes

Why Organization Is Vital While In College

When on campus, you need always to be organized, and it is one of the markers of being responsible. In college, the character you develop goes a long way in cementing your professional pathway. In the workplace or corporate setting, being organized is one of the pointers of professionalism, and you improve your chances of scaling up the ladder to your professional goals.

Back to the college setting, it provides a simple way of conducting your activities both in your residential unit and in class. It helps you get along ideally with your roommates if present as there is no sign of being untidy. 

Some courses require you to be set straight, more so the technical ones in the medical or engineering field. Looking at the importance of being organized, it should compel you to get a planner for such a purpose. The planner helps you have your things in order and prevents you from getting in a bout of confusion.

With a focus on being super organized, the following are some of the tips to bank on to get you super-organized.

  • Acquire A Planner And Put Down Essential Events

A planner works in the same manner as a diary and helps you put down entries to guide you through your day. The first step to set down your plans for getting organized is getting a planner. There are several types in the market for you to pick depending on its features, such as a hardcover or locking mechanism.

Go for one that has date entries corresponding to the year’s calendar for proper coordination of your activities. A handy planner is easy to carry and can easily fit into your bag or clutched comfortably on your hand. It provides an excellent first impression, giving a hint of how organized you are.

  • Start Filling In With The Top Priorities

One key aspect of organization is prioritizing. It refers to choosing the most important events and keeping them at the top of your list. If you have a meeting with friends and classes roughly at the same time, you need to weigh options and select the best engagement that is worth your time. 

For top priority entries, a different colored pen such as red can come in handy to indicate that one event is of importance to you. 

  • Put Down Important Notes

Focusing on how to use a planner for college, you may use it for putting down important notes. Most of them come with a notes section that is very expansive, and you may write down critical details. It is suitable for class notes, where you scribble down important notes or even when in meetings, and you want to capture what a speaker has said.

As the planner is your companion in college, you may pull it once a while and go through the essential entries you have down in writing. If you have an exam coming, the planner may be a good source of studying material as you have your notes with you to aid in revision.

  • Keep Tabs On Dates

Dates are critical factors in college, and they denote various events taking place. It is, therefore, necessary to be keen on the dates, and the right way is by putting them down. Some planners have an indicator where you mark important dates and put down what you are to do in the set dates. Among critical events to put down include fee deadlines, exam dates, and the start and end of the semesters.

When you keep up with dates, you are in a state of preparedness should the set events come.

a laptop on a table

  • Let The Syllabus Guide You

The syllabus is the perfect guide as it shows you the course outline, study topics, and also your assignments. You are in school to excel, and one sure way to go about it is by keeping up with your coursebook.

You may put down important notes from your syllabus, and the associated course outline can provide you with a clear timeline of events such as exams and assignment submission dates.

  • Have Your Goals Set

Another important aspect when you join college is the setting of your goals and working to achieve them. It is a crucial concept that goes deep into adulthood, and they help you challenge yourself. A perfect way to keep tabs with your goals and to always keep you on the move is to indicate them on your planner.

On the front page, you may write down your goals and also how you plan to achieve them. Once you accomplish a particular goal, a tick on it helps you to take note of and appreciate your milestones. It is an excellent way to encourage you to keep up the pace while in the competitive college environment.

  • To-Do List

Do not overlook the to-do section that features in most of the planners. The section is for you to put down your day’s chores within school. It helps you plan and keep up with the school schedule. The to-do list comes in handy during your free time, letting you account for time and ensure that you spend it wisely. The allocation of your time to each duty lends you a sense of responsibility. It helps cultivate a culture of time consciousness, which is an essential quality to your professional life.

  • Integrate With Your Mobile Phone

Mobile phones are one of the greatest inventions in the field of communication. The new age smartphones come with various features that may be helpful when using your planner. One of them is the planner that helps you keep time. 

On your planner, indicate the time for each entry on your list of the day’s activities. Then go to your phone and set the alarm for that time. You may even put a reminder to notify you of the occasion.

Getting an application for your phone that will notify you of various events and help you keep time is also a worthy move.

  • Make The Use Of The Planner Fun

To appreciate the planning implement you have, you may make a move to make it fun to use. If it is exciting to use, the more you will use it, and it will foster your habit of being organized. One way is to get it a great cover that speaks of your interests and personality. Some stickers can do to give it a sassy look.

Some artists can customize the cover by painting or drawing on its cover to give it a unique look. Use colored pens, felt-tip pens, and highlighters to provide the planner with a colorful look that is fun to look at. It helps give a lighter moment, especially when you are going through your notes.

  • Keep A Positive Tone

A positive tone is always encouraging, and it is the best way to put your thoughts and also plans on your planner. Use positive words that can keep you hooked should you decide to go through your notes. Also, it keeps you coming back to look at your plans, and the tone acts like an imaginary pat on your back to keep you pacing forward.

Additional Keynotes On How To Use A Planner For College

Aside from the listed tips, there are others you need to pay heed to, such as keeping the planner tidy and in pristine shape. The planner acts as an extension of you, and if it looks untidy, it portrays the same picture about you.

When customizing it to fit your taste and persona, do not forget to include your contacts. Having your name and contact on the planner makes it easy to trace you if it is lost.


When you join college, you get exposure to a whole new environment. Here you take charge of all the decisions you make, and for effective decision making and planning for your welfare, you need to be organized.

Organization looks at both the physical aspect such as your room, your books, and clothes and also the personal aspect. On the personal aspect, the main focus is how planned you are when it comes to your classwork and other duties. 

One implement to have to help you in organization is a planner. It comes in handy in several settings and helps you set goals, schedule time, and also plan for other activities. Get one from a stationery store or online shops and use it to prepare for your stay in college.

Don’t miss our guide to how to participate in class when you’re shy. Read more here!


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