6 of the Most Important Items You Need When You Study Abroad

There’s a lot of preparation work that goes into studying abroad. For starters, you have to choose a destination and figure out how you’re going to finance your trip.

From there, you’ll need to figure out how long and when you will study abroad, where you will stay, and if your school offers the appropriate academic credits.

Once you have the preparation work out of the way, you are almost ready for your trip. The next big thing you have to consider is what items you’ll bring.

Let’s go over six of the most important items you need when you study abroad.


One of, if not the most important item you’ll need to bring is your passport. This item, or its relevant equivalent, is necessary for you to enter and leave countries.

Losing your passport can be a nightmare. While the requirements for getting a passport aren’t too complicated, trying to replace them abroad can be hard.

You will have to contact your embassy, provide proof of citizenship and your travel itinerary, and potentially a police report (if your passport was stolen). However, obtaining these things can be hard when you are abroad and if you’re not familiar with the local language and laws.


Another item you’ll need is a visa if your country of destination requires one. A visa allows you to stay in a country for a specific amount of time and usually needs to be approved before you travel.

There are different types of visas, so it’s important that you research the requirements for the country you’re visiting and apply for the appropriate visa.

For example, a student visa is required for those who want to study in another country. In order to obtain one, you’ll need to show proof of admission into a school as well as have enough money to support yourself during your stay.

There are also work visas, which usually require an employer sponsor, and tourist visas, which are typically valid for shorter stays.

Your phone

In today’s day and age, it’s hard to imagine life without a phone. They are essential for communication, entertainment, and navigation.

If you’re planning on using your phone while you’re abroad, you’ll need to make sure that it is unlocked and will work in the country you’re visiting.

You should also check with your service provider to see if they offer international plans, as using your phone abroad can be expensive.

Proper clothing

The type of clothing you’ll need will depend on the climate of your destination country and the activities you want to do while you’re there.

For example, if you’re going to a country with a warm climate, you’ll want to pack light clothing that is comfortable and breathable.

However, if you’re going to a country with a colder climate, you’ll need to pack heavier clothing that will keep you warm.

You should also pack clothes for different occasions, such as casual wear, formal wear, and activewear.



A wallet is another essential item you’ll need when you travel. It’s important to have a place to store your money, credit cards, and identification.

When choosing a wallet, you’ll want to make sure that it is durable and has enough compartments to keep everything organized.

You should also avoid carrying around too much cash, as this can be a safety risk. You should only carry the amount of money you need for the day and leave the rest in your hotel room or hostel.


If you take any medications, you’ll need to make sure that you bring enough with you to last your entire trip.

You should also check to see if the medication is legal in the country you’re visiting and if there are any restrictions on bringing it into the country.

It’s also a good idea to bring a copy of your prescription in case you lose your medication or run out.


These are just a few of the most important items you’ll need when you study abroad. While it’s not an exhaustive list, it’s a good place to start.

Make sure you do your research and pack everything you need before you leave so that you can have an enjoyable and safe trip.


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